Faqs Customers

What is the delivery time for your purchases?

You can view the estimated delivery time (in days) of any product by adding it to your shopping cart, which it is calculated from the container's shipment date. You will also be able to view graphically and in percentages how much of the manufacturer's current order is still outstanding.

The manufacturers (or wholesalers) require a minimum order quantity of any product (manufacturer order). The manufacturer’s order will be equivalent up to six (6) standard pallets. Exceptionally, manufacturer’s order of any products could be up to ten (10) standard pallets (or a 20 Ft container), under manu’s only discretion.

You will also be able to view graphically and in percentages how much of the current container is still outstanding.

The shipping process of each container toward your shipping country will begin when the exporting warehouse have received the standard pallets that complete each one. In general, the shipping process should take three (3) business days.

Once manu has paid for the customs taxes within the shipping country, manu will send an email to all our customers (in certain cases, a phone call) notifying them of the delivery date of their purchases.

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