Faqs Manufacturers

¿What are the prohibited activities?

Below is a non-exhaustive list of some prohibited activities or unacceptable shopping behaviors in manu:

·         Claim a refund for a product alleging falsely that it did not meet its description.

·         Claim a refund for a product not delivered when there is an acknowledgment receipt proving that the product was delivered in the shipping address set by the customer.

·         Claim a refund for a missing product when there is an acknowledgment receipt proving that the product was fully delivered.

·         Claim a refund for product failures without having fully complied with the product’s conditions of use set in the supplier’s warranty. 

·         Deliberately break a product to claim a refund.

·         Claim a refund for product failures out of the validity period of the product’s warranty.

·         Duplicate claims.

·         Require the issuer of the credit or debit card to reverse a charge after receiving a refund.

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